Paul Fröhlich was a German politician and high-ranking party functionary of the Socialist Unity Party (SED).
Fröhlich in 1952
Fröhlich (right of center) in a discussion with a group of men in 1952
Fröhlich (right) and Walter Ulbricht (right of center) in Leipzig in September 1964
Fröhlich (center), SED Agriculture Secretary Gerhard Grüneberg (right) and General Secretary of the Mongolian People's Party Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal (left) at the VI. Party Congress of the SED in East Berlin in January 1963
Karl Schirdewan was a German Communist activist who after World War II became a top East German politician.
Schirdewan in 1952
On 6 May 1955, in a ceremony timed to honour the tenth anniversary of the "Liberation from Fascism", Karl Schirdewan was an early recipient of the Patriotic Order of Merit (Vaterländischer Verdienstorden) in Gold from the president in recognition of his "struggle against Fascism and his contributions to the creation of the German Democratic Republic"