Phases of Operation Car Wash
A long series of criminal investigations have occurred in Brazil associated with Operation Car Wash. The first investigation was launched in March 2014, and is now known as phase 1 of the investigation, with subsequent inquiries numbered sequentially and having code names such as phase 2, phase 3, and so on. By February 2021, there were 80 announced phases of Operation Car Wash.
Alberto Youssef was a target of the initial investigation.
Nestor Cerveró [pt], ex-director of Petrobras, was arrested in the 8th phase.
João Vaccari Neto was arrested in phase twelve.
Jorge Zelada was arrested in Operation Monaco.
Offshoots of Operation Car Wash
A long series of criminal investigations have occurred in Brazil associated with Operation Car Wash, since the first one began in March 2014. These investigations are considered offshoots of the original phased investigations.
Fernando Collor (2017)
Casa da Dinda
Senador Delcídio Amaral, from Agência Brasil (2008).
Ex-minister Paulo Bernardo was arrested in the operation.