Philippe Ricord was a French physician.
Philippe Ricord, photographed by Étienne Carjat
Ricord caricatured by André Gill, 1867
John Hunter was a Scottish surgeon, one of the most distinguished scientists and surgeons of his day. He was an early advocate of careful observation and scientific methods in medicine. He was a teacher of, and collaborator with, Edward Jenner, pioneer of the smallpox vaccine. He paid for the stolen body of Charles Byrne, and proceeded to study and exhibit it against the deceased's explicit wishes. His wife, Anne Hunter (née Home), was a poet, some of whose poems were set to music by Joseph Haydn.
Painted by John Jackson, 1813, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1786
A statue of John Hunter, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
A plaster cast medallion of John Hunter, Science Museum, London
A bust of Hunter near where he lived in Leicester Square, London