Poor Nastya is a Russian telenovela originally aired in the Russian Federation from 31 October 2003 to 30 April 2004 on STS, and in Ukraine from 10 November 2003 to 7 May 2004 on 1+1. Set in 19th century imperial Russia, the series achieved international success and was shown in China, Israel, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Greece, Bulgaria and more than twenty countries worldwide. With a budget of $11.8 million, it is the most expensive Russian television project so far. A sequel was planned, but never produced.
Poor Nastya
Daniil Alexandrovich Strakhov is a Russian actor. Internationally, he is best known for his role as Vladimir Ivanovich Korf in the television series Poor Nastya, and as Captain Lisnevsky in the film Transit.
Daniil Strakhov
Daniil Strakhov at The East and the West film festival in Orenburg, August 2020