A portable stove is a cooking stove specially designed to be portable and lightweight, used in camping, picnicking, backpacking, or other use in remote locations where an easily transportable means of cooking or heating is needed. Portable stoves can be used in diverse situations, such as for outdoor food service and catering and in field hospitals.
A small Snow Peak portable stove running on MSR gas and the stove's carrying case
The parts of portable gas stove—gas cartridge, burner and regulator
Various Japanese traditional shichirin
Early portable kerosene stove
Camping is a form of outdoor recreation or outdoor education involving overnight stays with a basic temporary shelter such as a tent. Camping can also include a recreational vehicle, sheltered cabins, a permanent tent, a shelter such as a bivy or tarp, or no shelter at all. Typically, participants leave developed areas to spend time outdoors, in pursuit of activities providing them enjoyment or in a form of educational experience. Spending the night away from home distinguishes camping from day-tripping, picnicking, and other outdoor activities.
Tent camping in Sierra Nevada National Park
Tent camping in Turkey
Camping in Ontario, c. 1907
Thomas Hiram Holding outside his camping tent.