"Postgame Mortem" is the thirteenth episode of the third season of the American mystery television series Veronica Mars, and the fifty-seventh episode overall. Written by Joe Voci and directed by John T. Kretchmer, the episode premiered on The CW on February 13, 2007. The series depicts the adventures of Veronica Mars as she deals with life as a college student while moonlighting as a private detective.
Jason Dohring (pictured) called Thomas due to questions about Logan's continual broken heart; Thomas responded that the character choice was made to set up this episode's subplot.
The third season of Veronica Mars, an American drama television series created by Rob Thomas, began airing on The CW in the United States on October 3, 2006. The season was produced by Warner Bros. Television, Silver Pictures Television, Stu Segall Productions, Inc and Rob Thomas Productions, and Joel Silver, Diane Ruggiero and Thomas served as executive producers. The third season comprises 20 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 22, 2007.
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