Pre-Electric Wizard 1989–1994
Pre-Electric Wizard 1989–1994 is a compilation album featuring songs by Electric Wizard frontman Jus Oborn's previous band Eternal, formerly known as Lord of Putrefaction and Thy Grief Eternal. The album was released in 2006 and includes material taken from Eternal's demo Lucifer's Children (1993), Thy Grief Eternal's demo On Blackened Wings (1992), and the Lord of Putrefaction / Mortal Remains split LP (1991).
Pre-Electric Wizard 1989–1994
Electric Wizard are an English stoner/doom metal band from Dorset. The band formed in 1993 and have recorded nine studio albums, two of which have been considered genre landmarks: Come My Fanatics… (1997) and Dopethrone (2000). Electric Wizard's brand of doom metal incorporates stoner and sludge traits, with lyrics focusing on the occult, witchcraft, H. P. Lovecraft, horror films and cannabis.
Electric Wizard live in 2012
Liz Buckingham live at Damnation Festival 2009
Jus Oborn performing at Hole in the Sky in 2007
Electric Wizard live at Hellfest 2014