Priya Kapoor is a fictional character from the Australian television soap opera Neighbours, played by Menik Gooneratne. The actress, who made a guest appearance in Neighbours in 2000, was given the role of Priya in July 2011. She made her first screen appearance during the episode broadcast on 1 September 2011. Three months later, it was announced Gooneratne had been promoted to the regular cast along with Sachin Joab and Coco Cherian, who play Priya's husband and daughter respectively. The Kapoor's arrival marked the show's first family with Indian and Sri Lankan heritage. They also became the first family to be introduced since 2010. Gooneratne's departure from Neighbours was announced on 12 March 2013 and she made her final screen appearance on 10 June.
Priya Kapoor
Priya is harassed by Brian O'Loughlin, played by Paul Denny (pictured).
Ajay Kapoor is a fictional character from the Australian television soap opera Neighbours, played by Sachin Joab. He made his first screen appearance during the episode broadcast on 13 July 2011. The actor was cast in the role following a successful audition. The part was initially going to last for about a month, but the producers liked him and the character. They then decided to create a family unit around Ajay and later introduced his wife Priya. Five months later it was announced that Joab and Gooneratne would be promoted to the regular cast in early 2012, while their on-screen daughter, Rani, would be introduced. The Kapoor's arrival marked the show's first family with Indian and Sri Lankan heritage and the first family to be introduced since 2010. Ajay departed on 12 July 2013.
Ajay Kapoor (Neighbours)