Public security or public safety is the prevention of and protection from events that could endanger the safety and security of the public from significant danger, injury, or property damage. It is often conducted by a state government to ensure the protection of citizens, persons in their territory, organizations, and institutions against threats to their well-being, survival, and prosperity.
A member of the Republican Guard of the National Gendarmerie of France
Emergency services at the scene of an incident in Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Security is protection from, or resilience against, potential harm. Beneficiaries of security may be persons and social groups, objects and institutions, ecosystems, or any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change.
Women's Army Corps (1941–1945) associated national security with avoiding conversations about war work.
Refugees fleeing war and insecurity in Iraq and Syria arrive at Lesbos Island, supported by Spanish volunteers, 2015
Security checkpoint at the entrance to the Delta Air Lines corporate headquarters in Atlanta
X-ray machines and metal detectors are used to control what is allowed to pass through an airport security perimeter.