Snapdragon is a suite of system-on-a-chip (SoC) semiconductor products for mobile devices designed and marketed by Qualcomm Technologies Inc. The Snapdragon's central processing unit (CPU) uses the ARM architecture. As such, Qualcomm often refers to the Snapdragon as a "mobile platform". Snapdragon semiconductors are embedded in devices of various systems, including vehicles, Android, Windows Phone and netbooks. In addition to the processors, the Snapdragon line includes modems, Wi-Fi chips and mobile charging products.
Qualcomm QSD8250
Snapdragon S4 Play Processor - Qualcomm MSM8225
Snapdragon 410
Snapdragon 600 (model APQ8064)
A system on a chip or system-on-chip is an integrated circuit that integrates most or all components of a computer or other electronic system. These components almost always include on-chip central processing unit (CPU), memory interfaces, input/output devices and interfaces, and secondary storage interfaces, often alongside other components such as radio modems and a graphics processing unit (GPU) – all on a single substrate or microchip. SoCs may contain digital and also analog, mixed-signal and often radio frequency signal processing functions.
Apple M1 system on a chip
System on a chip AMD Élan SC450 in Nokia 9000 Communicator