Reykjahlíð is a village situated on the shores of Lake Mývatn in the north of Iceland. It is the seat of the municipality of Skútustaðahreppur. It has 227 inhabitants as of 2021.
Panoramic view
Víti crater
Diatomite plant
Mývatn is a shallow lake situated in an area of active volcanism in the north of Iceland, near Krafla volcano. It has a high amount of biological activity. The lake and the surrounding wetlands provides a habitat for a number of waterbirds, especially ducks.
The lake was created by a large basaltic lava eruption 2300 years ago, and the surrounding landscape is dominated by volcanic landforms, including lava pillars and rootless vents (pseudocraters). The effluent river Laxá is known for its rich fishing for brown trout and Atlantic salmon.
Mývatn, near Höfði Nature Park
Shore of Mývatn.
The plateau surrounding Mývatn. In the distance are Gæsafjöll (882m, left), Krafla (818m, centre-left, behind the dark Vindbelgur (529m)), Hverfjall (caldera at centre), Búrfell (953m, centre-right), and Bláfjall (1222m, right).
Panorama of Mývatn from the town of Skútustaðir, November 2007