Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center
The Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center is located in the Broadmoor neighborhood of
New Orleans, Louisiana. It stands on the corner of Napoleon Avenue and South Broad Street
which serve as the north/south, and east/west markers in the neighborhood. The library is a branch of
the greater New Orleans Public Library System. The Broadmoor branch serves as one of the only
centers for community engagement in the neighborhood and hosts adult education classes, art
workshops, after-school activities for children, and community events throughout the year. It
opened its doors on March 17, 2012.
Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center
Broadmoor is a neighborhood of the city of New Orleans. A subdistrict of the Uptown/Carrollton Area, its boundaries as defined by the New Orleans City Planning Commission are: Eve Street to the north, Washington Avenue and Toledano Street to the east, South Claiborne Avenue to the south, and Jefferson Avenue, South Rocheblave Street, Nashville Avenue, and Octavia Street to the west. It includes the Broadmoor Historic District which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2003 and increased in its boundaries in 2007.
Broadmoor Lives! Post Katrina rally
House in Broadmoor being raised up above the levels of the post-Katrina flooding
Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center