Rossiyskaya Gazeta is a Russian newspaper published by the Government of Russia. The daily newspaper serves as the official government gazette of the Government of the Russian Federation, publishing government-related affairs such as official decrees, statements and documents of state bodies, the promulgation of newly approved laws, Presidential decrees, and government announcements.
Front page of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, dated 25 February 2022 containing the full text of Vladimir Putin's presidentital addess "On conducting a special military operation", released a day prior and its screenshot. The main headline can be roughly translated as "Strength lies in justice and truth, and the truth is on our side."
Katyń is a 2007 Polish historical drama film about the 1940 Katyn massacre, directed by Academy Honorary Award winner Andrzej Wajda. It is based on the book Post Mortem: The Story of Katyn by Andrzej Mularczyk. It was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film for the 80th Academy Awards.
Polish release poster
German officers present their findings regarding Katyn to captured Allied officers in 1943.
A German-made prison bus used by the NKVD for transport of prisoners; the bus was reconstructed for the purpose of the film.
Speech before projection in Riga