Sauerbruch Hutton is an international agency for architecture, urban planning and design. It was founded in London in 1989 and is now based in Berlin, Germany. The practice is led by Matthias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton and Juan Lucas Young.
Two New Ludgate, Office Building, London
Museum Brandhorst Munich, 2008
Cologne Oval Offices on Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer, Cologne, 2010
ADAC Headquarters Munich, 2012
The Brandhorst Museum was opened in Munich on 21 May 2009. It displays about 200 exhibits from the modern art collection of the heirs of the Henkel trust Udo and Anette Brandhorst. In 2009 the Brandhorst Collection comprises more than 700 works.
Museum Brandhorst in Munich, 2014
North Entrance
Facade Detail
Image: Museum Brandhorst Fassade 1