UNAM's School of Medicine is the medical school of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), located at the university's main campus of Ciudad Universitaria. Established in 1553 as part of the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico, it is one of the oldest medical schools in the Americas. The school has undergraduate and graduate studies departments. It does joint teaching with some other schools, e.g., the School of Science. It also has many grants involving UNAM's Engineering School, in areas such as smart and connected health. It is one of the most recognized schools in the university and in Mexico. The latest three rectors of the university, including the current one, are former deans from this school.
Seal of the UNAM's School of Medicine
School of Chemistry, UNAM
The School of Chemistry is one of the 27 academic institutions that are part of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The School carries out research activities in the fields of biochemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, food chemistry, biotechnology, metallurgy, chemical engineering, pharmacy, inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, theoretical chemistry and theoretical physics. The School is organized into 12 scientific departments and 4 units.
Main building