Sculptures Bachelard is an In Situ work by French artist Jean-Max Albert installed in 1986 in the Parc de la Villette, Paris, France. It is named after the author of The Poetics of Space, Gaston Bachelard. It consists of a set of 8 sculptures arranged around the perimeter of the Jardin de la Treille.
Sculptures Bachelard
Sculptures Bachelard ( sculptures de visées)Implantation 1986
Reflection with anamorphosis
Reflection without anamorphosis
Jean-Max Albert is a French painter, sculptor, writer, and musician. He has published theory, books on artists, and a collection of poems, plays and novels inspired by quantum physics. He perpetuated experiments initiated by Paul Klee and Edgar Varèse on the transposition of musical structures into formal constructions. Albert has also created environmental sculptures using plants to create architecture.
Albert in Paris in 2014
Bolide statique, Dessin du charpentier, 1993
Espace DétachéObservation Sculpture, 2002
Photon Propagation, Model, 2013