Shark Island concentration camp
Shark Island or "Death Island" was one of five concentration camps in German South West Africa. It was located on Shark Island off Lüderitz, in the far south-west of the territory which today is Namibia. It was used by the German Empire during the Herero and Namaqua genocide of 1904–08. Between 1,032 and 3,000 Herero and Namaqua men, women, and children died in the camp between March 1905 and its closing in April 1907.
Image: Ericksen Hottentotte 7 Shark Island p. 142
Shark Island is a small peninsula adjacent to the coastal city of Lüderitz in Namibia. Its area is about 40 hectares. Formerly an island, it became a peninsula from 1906 on by the creation of a wide land connection that doubled its former size.
Shark Island, Namibia