Sibú is the primary deity in the Talamancan mythology of Costa Rica. He is the creator of Earth and humanity, god of wisdom, values, and indigenous customs. He is called Sibú by the Bribri and Cabécar, Sibö by the Teribe, and Zipoh by the Boruca.
Gold figure of Sibú with the head of an eagle. Museo del Oro Precolombino, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Sibú's first feat was frightening the Sòrburu by resurrecting a gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
Tapirus bairdii, the only tapir species in Costa Rica
A traditional Bribri palenque. Talamanca, Costa Rica.
Talamancan mythology includes the traditional beliefs of the Bribri and Cabécar peoples, two groups of indigenous peoples in Costa Rica living in the Talamanca region. These peoples speak two different but closely related languages, and from a cultural point of view, constitute a single community. With some exceptions, they share the same religious beliefs, the same stories, the same ritual songs, etc.
Gold figure of Sibú with head of an eagle. Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, San José, Costa Rica.
Model of a palenque in the Museo Nacional de Costa Rica.
Terciopelo (Bothrops asper), also called fer-de-lance.