Silcrete is an indurated soil duricrust formed when surface soil, sand, and gravel are cemented by dissolved silica. The formation of silcrete is similar to that of calcrete, formed by calcium carbonate, and ferricrete, formed by iron oxide. It is a hard and resistant material, and though different in origin and nature, appears similar to quartzite. As a duricrust, there is potential for preservation of root structures as trace fossils.
Silcrete (siliceous paleosol) in the Waddens Cove Formation (formed during the Pennsylvanian), Sydney Basin, Nova Scotia
Bifacial silcrete point from Blombos Cave, South Africa, Middle Stone Age (71,000 BCE) (scale bar = 5cm)
Hertfordshire puddingstone
Hertfordshire puddingstone is a conglomerate sedimentary rock composed of rounded flint pebbles cemented together by a younger matrix of silica quartz. The distinctive rock is largely confined to the English counties of Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire but small amounts occur throughout the London Basin. It is quite commonly found in fields in and around Chesham, where pieces can be seen as boundary stones and in rockeries. Despite a superficial similarity to concrete, it is an entirely natural silcrete. A fracture runs across both the pebbles and the sandy matrix as both have equal strength unlike concrete where the pebbles remain whole and a fracture occurs only in the matrix. Like other puddingstones, it derives its name from the manner in which the embedded flints resemble the plums in a pudding. It forms the local base of the Upnor Formation of the Lambeth Group.
A fragment from a quern of probable Roman date made from Hertfordshire puddingstone. The rock contains many oval shaped grey and white pebbles of varying sizes in a quartz (silica) matrix.
A polished section of Hertfordshire puddingstone
Samples of Hertfordshire puddingstone at Hertford Museum
Hertfordshire puddingstone outside the Cock and Rabbit public house at The Lee, near Chesham