Sing Street is a 2016 musical coming-of-age comedy drama film written and directed by John Carney from a story by Carney and Simon Carmody. Starring Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Lucy Boynton, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Aidan Gillen, Jack Reynor and Kelly Thornton, the story revolves around a boy starting a band to impress a girl in 1980s Ireland. It is an international co-production among producers from Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Theatrical release poster
Cast of Sing Street at the 2016 Dublin International Film Festival. Left to right: Percy Chamburuka, Mark McKenna, Kelly Thornton, Ben Carolan, Ian Kenny, Conor Hamilton.
John Carney is an Irish film director, producer, screenwriter and lyricist who specialises in musical drama films. He is best known as the showrunner and executive producer of Modern Love on Amazon Prime Video, for his films Once, Begin Again, and Sing Street. He is also a co-creator of the Irish TV drama series Bachelors Walk.
Carney at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival