Smile PreCure! is a 2012 Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation and the ninth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries, featuring the seventh generation of Cures. The series is written by Shōji Yonemura, best known as the head writer of Glass Fleet and Kamen Rider Kabuto. The character designs were done by Toshie Kawamura, who previously worked on character designs for Yes! PreCure 5. Like Yes! Pretty Cure 5, the team has five members with a color scheme of pink, red, yellow, green, and blue, but unlike it the team's members are classmates in their second year of middle school. There are no additional team members. The series aired on All-Nippon News Network (ANN)'s TV Asahi network between February 5, 2012, and January 27, 2013, replacing Suite PreCure♪ in its timeslot, and was succeeded by DokiDoki! PreCure. A film was released in Japanese theaters on October 26, 2012, and a novel was released in 2016, serving as an epilogue that takes place 10 years after the anime's events. An illustration book of Toshie Kawamura's works was released on February 12, 2014. The series' main topics are fairy tales and happiness.
1st Japanese DVD volume of Smile Precure! distributed by Marvelous AQL, featuring the five Cures (from bottom left clockwise): Peace (yellow), Beauty/Breeze (blue), March/Spring (green), Sunny (orange), Happy/Lucky (pink, top center) and mascot Candy (bottom center).
Suite PreCure is a Japanese anime series and the eighth installment in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure metaseries. The series is produced by Toei Animation and directed by Munehisa Sakai, who directed the One Piece anime series. Character designs were done by Akira Takahashi, who previously worked on Kaidan Restaurant. The series aired on TV Asahi's ANN network between February 6, 2011 and January 29, 2012, replacing HeartCatch PreCure! in its timeslot, and was succeeded by Smile PreCure! A manga adaptation by Futago Kamikita was serialised in Kodansha's monthly Nakayoshi magazine.
Cover of the twelfth DVD release featuring Cure Melody, Cure Rhythm, Cure Beat and Cure Muse