The Special Criminal Court is a juryless criminal court in Ireland which tries terrorism and serious organised crime cases.
Special Criminal Court (SCC) sittings are usually held at the Criminal Courts of Justice complex in Dublin
The Emergency was a state of emergency in the independent state of Ireland in the Second World War, throughout which the state remained neutral. It was proclaimed by Dáil Éireann on 2 September 1939, allowing the passage of the Emergency Powers Act 1939 by the Oireachtas the following day. This gave sweeping powers to the government, including internment, censorship of the press and correspondence, and control of the economy. The Emergency Powers Act lapsed on 2 September 1946, although the Emergency was not formally ended until 1976.
Obverse : Ré na Práinne "The Emergency Period"
Reverse : Fórsa Cosanta Áitiúil 1939–1946
Frank Aiken, Minister for the Co-ordination of Defensive Measures, 1939–1945
Recruitment Poster for the Volunteer Reserve Forces, 1939.