Susanne Hanna Ursula Klatten is a German billionaire heiress, the daughter of Herbert and Johanna Quandt. As of January 2022, her net worth was estimated at US$23.4 billion, and the richest woman in Germany and the 50th richest person in the world according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
Klatten in 2017
Herbert Werner Quandt was a German industrialist and member of the Nazi Party credited with having saved BMW when it was at the point of bankruptcy and made a huge profit in doing so. Quandt also oversaw the use at his family's factories during World War II of tens of thousands of slave labourers, many of whom perished.
Forced concentration camp labour at U-boat pens in Bremen, 1944
The unique Cabriolet version of the BMW 3200 CS, a gift to Herbert Quandt for his contribution in the rescue of BMW