The Swedish Red Polled, Swedish: Rödkulla, is a Swedish breed of domestic cattle. It is a dual-purpose breed, raised both for its milk and for its meat.
Swedish Red Polled
The Swedish Polled, Swedish: Svensk Kullig Boskap, often abbreviated to SKB, is a Swedish breed of domestic cattle. It was created in 1937 from two different Swedish cattle breeds, the Swedish Red Polled and the Fjäll. Breeders did not accept the new classification, and continued to maintain separate bloodlines as before. Of the two constituent breeds, the Swedish Red Polled received official recognition in 2004, while the Fjäll has divided into two sub-breeds, the Fjällnära Boskap and the Svensk Fjällras.
1. A Swedish Red Polled cow 2. A Fjäll cow
Image: Rödkull 2