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Irish Corporation Tax as a % Total Irish Tax has between 10% and 16% of Total Irish Tax.
Irish Corporation Tax as a % Total Irish Tax has between 10% and 16% of Total Irish Tax.
Former Finance Minister, Charlie McCreevy, reduced Irish corporate tax from 32% to 12.5% in the 1999 Finance Act, and whose 1997 Tax and Consolidation
Former Finance Minister, Charlie McCreevy, reduced Irish corporate tax from 32% to 12.5% in the 1999 Finance Act, and whose 1997 Tax and Consolidation Act laid the framework for Ireland's BEPS tax tools.
Ireland is ranked as one of the largest global Conduit OFCs in terms of connections to corporate tax havens, the largest global Tax Haven in terms of
Ireland is ranked as one of the largest global Conduit OFCs in terms of connections to corporate tax havens, the largest global Tax Haven in terms of quantum of profits shielded, and the 3rd-largest global Shadow Banking OFC.
Irish Corporation Tax as a % Irish Exchequer Tax has between 10% and 16% of Total Irish Tax. Source: Department of Finance (Ireland)
Irish Corporation Tax as a % Irish Exchequer Tax has between 10% and 16% of Total Irish Tax. Source: Department of Finance (Ireland)
Effect of Ireland's Corporate Tax system on Ireland's relative GNI-per-capita to the EU average
Effect of Ireland's Corporate Tax system on Ireland's relative GNI-per-capita to the EU average