Tearmoon Empire is a Japanese light novel series written by Nozomu Mochitsuki. The series began publication on the novel posting website Shōsetsuka ni Narō in August 2018; it was later acquired by TO Books, who are publishing the series in print with illustrations by Gilse. A manga adaptation, illustrated by Mizu Morino, began serialization on the Comic Corona manga website in August 2019. An anime television series adaptation by Silver Link aired from October to December 2023.
First light novel volume cover
Sumire Uesaka is a Japanese voice actress and singer associated with Voice Kit. She won the Best Rookie Actress at the 10th Seiyu Awards. She made her singing debut in April 2013 under King Records.
Uesaka at the JMSDF Fleet Week Yokohama 2019
Uesaka performing at Anicon 2015