Teasing Master Takagi-san
Teasing Master Takagi-san is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Sōichirō Yamamoto. It started in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine supplement Monthly Shōnen Sunday Mini in June 2013, and later moved to the main magazine, Monthly Shōnen Sunday, in July 2016, and finished in October 2023, with its chapters collected in twenty tankōbon volumes. The series features the daily life of Takagi, who loves to tease her classmate Nishikata, and Nishikata's failed attempts to get back at her. In North America, the manga is licensed by Yen Press.
First tankōbon volume cover of Teasing Master Takagi-san, featuring Takagi (left) and Nishikata (right)
Shin-Ei Animation Co., Ltd. is a Japanese animation studio owned by TV Asahi and founded in Tokyo in 1965 as A Production by Daikichirō Kusube, who was previously an animator for Toei Animation and a successor of both former Asahi Eigasha that was founded in 1936 and Shin-Asahi Eigasha that was founded in 1938.
Shin-Ei Animation headquarters