Tel Jezreel is an archaeological site in the eastern Jezreel Valley in northern Israel. The city of Jezreel served as a main fortress of the Northern Kingdom of Israel under king Ahab in the 9th century BCE.
Tel Jezreel looking east toward Gilboa.
Queen Jezebel executed by defenestration in Jezreel, by Gustav Doré
Ruined tower at Zir'in, 1880s.
"Remains of the Tower of Jezebel", 1926 stereograph by a member of the American Colony in Jerusalem.
The Jezreel Valley, or Marj Ibn Amir, also known as the Valley of Megiddo, is a large fertile plain and inland valley in the Northern District of Israel. It is bordered to the north by the highlands of the Lower Galilee region, to the south by the Samarian highlands, to the west and northwest by the Mount Carmel range, and to the east by the Jordan Valley, with Mount Gilboa marking its southern extent. The largest settlement in the valley is the city of Afula, which lies near its center.
Agriculture in the Jezreel Valley
Image: Jezreel Valley 2
Jezreel Valley and Mount Tabor
Jezreel Valley