The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back is a 1958 children's book written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss and published by Random House. In this book, a sequel to The Cat in the Hat (1957), the chaos-causing title character leaves a pink stain in the family bathtub, which spreads around the house as the children try to get rid of it, until the cat unveils a series of increasingly small cats from beneath his hat, the smallest of which resolves the problem.
Front cover
Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American children's author and cartoonist. He is known for his work writing and illustrating more than 60 books under the pen name Dr. Seuss. His work includes many of the most popular children's books of all time, selling over 600 million copies and being translated into more than 20 languages by the time of his death.
Dr. Seuss in 1957
Bronze statue of Dr. Seuss and his character The Cat in the Hat outside the Geisel Library in San Diego
Geisel at work on a drawing of the Grinch for How the Grinch Stole Christmas! in 1957
Seuss Landing at Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida