The Godsend is a 1980 British horror film directed by Gabrielle Beaumont, written by Olaf Pooley, and starring Malcolm Stoddard, Cyd Hayman, Angela Pleasence, Patrick Barr, Wilhelmina Green, and Joanne Boorman. It follows a family who adopt an infant girl from a strange woman, only to find that, as they raise her, their other children begin to die in a series of mysterious accidents. It is based on the 1976 novel The Godsend by Bernard Taylor. The film was released in the United States on 11 January 1980 by The Cannon Group, Inc.
Theatrical release poster
Daphne Anne Angela Pleasence is an English actress. Trained in theatre, Pleasence's first major film role came in Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973), followed by roles in horror films such as From Beyond the Grave and Symptoms (1974).
Pleasence in 1974