The Hill is a 1965 British prison drama war film directed by Sidney Lumet, set in an army prison in North Africa during the Second World War. It stars Sean Connery, Harry Andrews, Ian Bannen, Ossie Davis, Ian Hendry, Alfred Lynch, Roy Kinnear and Michael Redgrave. The screenplay was by Ray Rigby based on the 1965 play of the same name by Rigby and R.S Allen.
original film poster
Sidney Arthur Lumet was an American film director. Lumet started his career in theatre before moving to film where he gained a reputation for making realistic and gritty New York dramas which focused on the working class, tackled social injustices, and often questioned authority.
Lumet in 1970
Lumet as a child, photographed by Carl Van Vechten
Lumet in the 1940 play Journey to Jerusalem
Directing Anna Magnani in The Fugitive Kind (1960)