The House Jacks is a professional a cappella quintet from San Francisco, founded in 1991 by Deke Sharon.
The House Jacks at The Freight and Salvage in Berkeley, March 2008
Music performed a cappella, less commonly spelled a capella in English, is music performed by a singer or a singing group without instrumental accompaniment. The term a cappella was originally intended to differentiate between Renaissance polyphony and Baroque concertato musical styles. In the 19th century, a renewed interest in Renaissance polyphony, coupled with an ignorance of the fact that vocal parts were often doubled by instrumentalists, led to the term coming to mean unaccompanied vocal music. The term is also used, rarely, as a synonym for alla breve.
A cappella
The Hullabahoos, an a cappella group at the University of Virginia, were featured in the movie Pitch Perfect
The Oxford Alternotives, the oldest a cappella group at the University of Oxford in the UK
The Sweet Nothings are one of the University of Exeter's eight a cappella groups. They are one of the oldest and most successful girl groups in the UK