The Hunt is a 2016 South Korean action thriller film directed by Lee Woo-cheol, written by Cheon Jin-woo, and starring Cho Jin-woong and Ahn Sung-ki. The film was launched by Lotte Entertainment, South Korea’s second largest film conglomerate, in March 2016. It was produced by Kim Han-min, the director of The Admiral: Roaring Currents, the biggest film ever at the Korean box office. Most of the filming for The Hunt took place in a mountainous region of Paju in Gyeonggi Province, which contains military bases; the crew had to obtain permissions from more than 10 military units prior to filming. Because of the emphasis on hunting and guns, the actors also had to finish a basic firearms course and practice at shooting ranges.
Theatrical release poster
Cho Jin-woong, born Jo Won-jun (조진웅), is a South Korean actor. He is best known for his roles in the films Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time (2012), The Admiral: Roaring Currents (2014), Assassination (2015), The Handmaiden (2016), The Sheriff in Town (2017), The Spy Gone North (2018), Believer (2018), Intimate Strangers (2018), and Black Money (2019), as well as the television series Deep Rooted Tree (2011) and Signal (2016).
Cho Jin-woong in 2016