The Massacre of Mankind (2017) is a science fiction novel by the British writer Stephen Baxter, a sequel to H. G. Wells' 1898 classic The War of the Worlds, authorised by the Wells estate. It is set in 1920, 13 years after the events of the original novel, as a second Martian invasion is chronicled by Miss Elphinstone, the ex-sister-in-law of the narrator of War of the Worlds. Baxter also wrote an authorised sequel to Wells' novel The Time Machine, called The Time Ships.
First edition cover
Stephen Baxter is an English hard science fiction author. He has degrees in mathematics and engineering.
Baxter at the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, 2005.
Stephen Baxter at the Science-Fiction-Tage NRW in Dortmund, Germany, March 1997