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The throne room at the Palace of Fontainebleau, France.
The throne room at the Palace of Fontainebleau, France.
The principal imperial throne of China, in the Hall of Supreme Harmony
The principal imperial throne of China, in the Hall of Supreme Harmony
The Throne Room at Christiansborg is where foreign ambassadors present their credentials to the King.
The Throne Room at Christiansborg is where foreign ambassadors present their credentials to the King.
Thrones of the King and Queen, Residenz of Munich, Bavaria
Thrones of the King and Queen, Residenz of Munich, Bavaria
Marie Antoinette's bed, which has a baldachin, in the Petit Trianon (Versailles, France)
Marie Antoinette's bed, which has a baldachin, in the Petit Trianon (Versailles, France)
Enthroned Virgin Mary with cloth of honour by Hans Memling
Enthroned Virgin Mary with cloth of honour by Hans Memling
State bed of Louis XIV of France, Chambre du Roi, Versailles
State bed of Louis XIV of France, Chambre du Roi, Versailles
Bernini's "Baldacchino" in St Peter's, Vatican City
Bernini's "Baldacchino" in St Peter's, Vatican City