Torrance High School is a high school located in Torrance, California. Founded in 1917, it is one of the oldest high schools in continuous use in California and is the oldest of the five high schools in the Torrance Unified School District. Four of its buildings are listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
Facade of Torrance High School
The Torrance High Marching Band, in the Torrance Armed Forces Day Parade.
View of the THS main campus: the Science Building and two refurbished greenhouses on the right; the Band room and WPA Auditorium on the left.
The Torrance High Library is on the first floor, with multimedia classrooms up on the second level.
Torrance Unified School District
Torrance Unified School District (TUSD) is a school district in Los Angeles County, California, with its headquarters in Torrance.
Torrance High School
Fern Elementary School