Trent FM was an Independent Local Radio station which broadcast to Nottinghamshire. The station merged with two other East Midlands stations, Leicester Sound and Ram FM to form Capital FM East Midlands on Monday 3 January 2011.
An early Trent logo 301 metres (1,000 kHz) mediumwave and 96.2 megahertz (96,200,000 Hz)
Radio Data System (RDS) is a communications protocol standard for embedding small amounts of digital information in conventional FM radio broadcasts. RDS standardizes several types of information transmitted, including time, station identification and program information.
A Radio Data System – Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) receiver (left) attached to a TomTom navigation system to integrate real-time traffic data into the navigation.
Radio Data System display of an FM Radio station from Spain.
An example of RT RDS on Los Angeles' KFSH-FM
PI A206