Triadisches Ballett is a ballet developed by Oskar Schlemmer. The ballet became the most widely performed avant-garde artistic dance and while Schlemmer was at the Bauhaus from 1921 to 1929, the ballet toured, helping to spread the ethos of the Bauhaus.
The Triadic Ballet. Poster for an unrealized performance in Hanover, February 19 + 26, 1924, designed by Oskar Schlemmer.
Costumes from Schlemmer's Triadisches Ballett (1922).
Oskar Schlemmer was a German painter, sculptor, designer and choreographer associated with the Bauhaus school.
Oskar Schlemmer in a photograph by Hugo Erfurth (1920)
Schlemmer's nickel-cast "Tut Schlemmer" (1919), Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln, Germany.
Costumes from Schlemmer's Triadisches Ballett (1922).
Portable gramophone in a compact case, designed by Schlemmer in 1928.