The Trudoviks were a democratic socialist political party of Russia in the early 20th century.
Leaders of the labor group (from left to right): A. F. Aladin; I.V. Zhilkin; S.V. Anikin in the Tauride Garden (spring 1906)
Labor group of the 2nd State Duma at a meeting of the faction in the Tauride Palace, 1907.
Socialist Revolutionary Party
The Socialist Revolutionary Party, was a major political party in late Imperial Russia, during both phases of the Russian Revolution, and in early Soviet Russia.
Kampf un kempfer, a Yiddish pamphlet published by the SRs exile branch in London, 1904
1917 SRs election poster whose caption in red reads партія соц.-рев. (in pre-1918 Russian), short for Party of the Socialist-Revolutionaries; the banner bears the party's motto Russian: Въ борьбѣ обрѣтешь ты право свое ("Through struggle you will attain your rights"); and the globe bears the slogan земля и воля ("land and freedom"), expressing the agrarian socialist ideology of the party.