United States Strike Command
In 1961 the United States Strike Command (STRICOM) was established at MacDill Air Force Base as a unified combatant command capable of responding to global crises. The name of the command was originally derived from the acronym for Swift Tactical Reaction In Every Known Environment (STRIKE). It integrated the CONUS-based forces of the Army's Continental Army Command and the Air Force's Composite Air Strike Force (CASF) and Tactical Air Command.
United States Strike Command
MacDill Air Force Base is an active United States Air Force installation located 4 miles (6.4 km) south-southwest of downtown Tampa, Florida.
The main gate at MacDill AFB, with a KC-135R Stratotanker overhead.
Colonel Leslie MacDill
1943 MacDill Field (large-letter postcard, Curt Teich Company)
The Thunderbird, a magazine that was printed quarterly at MacDill Army Air Field, Summer 1944 edition