Vance Astrovik, also known as Justice and formerly known as Marvel Boy, is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character possesses the superhuman power of telekinesis and has often been affiliated with the New Warriors and The Avengers. He appeared in Giant-Size Defenders #5 for the first time, which was created by Don Heck and Gerry Conway.
Justice. Art by Jim Cheung.
The New Warriors is a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. They traditionally consisted of teenage and young adult heroes, and were often seen to serve as a junior counterpart to The Avengers in much the same way that the New Mutants/X-Force did with the X-Men. They made a cameo appearance in The Mighty Thor #411 and made their full debut in The Mighty Thor #412. Over the years, the New Warriors, in their various incarnations, have been featured in five different volumes of the title The New Warriors.
Cover art for New Warriors (vol 5) #1 by Marcus To
Cover to New Warriors #75, the double-sized finale to the series' run. Pencils by Patrick Zircher.
New Warriors (vol. 2) #1 (October, 1999)
New Warriors (vol. 3) #1 (June, 2005)