The Watermill at Opwetten is a watermill along the river Kleine Dommel, located on the Opwettenseweg 203 in Opwetten, Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten, in the province of North Brabant, Netherlands. First mentioned in the 11th century, the watermill burned down and was rebuilt in 1764.
Watermill at Opwetten in 2007
Water Mill at Opwetten, by Vincent van Gogh, 1884 (F48)
Close up of the water wheels.
The Kleine Dommel or Rul is a brook in the Campine and Meierij van 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
Heeze Castle c. 1662
The Kleine Dommel between Heeze and Geldrop
Bridge at Rul and the disappeared greenhouse
Weverijmuseum in Geldrop