Wellington Girls' College
Wellington Girls' College was founded in 1883 in Wellington, New Zealand. At that time it was called Wellington Girls' High School. Wellington Girls' College is a year 9 to 13 state secondary school, located in Thorndon in central Wellington.
Wellington Girls' College from Pipitea Street
View from Moturoa Street circa 1935
Thorndon is a historic inner suburb of Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. Because the suburb is relatively level compared to the hilly terrain elsewhere in Wellington it contained Wellington's elite residential area until its best was destroyed in the 1960s by a new motorway and the erection of tall office buildings on the sites of its Molesworth Street retail and service businesses.
Thorndon in front of Kelburn and Te Ahumairangi Hill. Karori in the distance
Parliament's Beehive and the old wooden administration building on reclaimed land
Thorndon 1880s from a Kaiwarra tunnel
Katherine Mansfield Memorial Park, 2021