Women's Battalions (Russia) were all-female combat units formed after the February Revolution by the Russian Provisional Government, in a last-ditch effort to inspire the mass of war-weary soldiers to continue fighting in World War I.
Members of the 1st Russian Women's Battalion of Death with their commander Maria Bochkareva (far right) in 1917.
Publicity photo of Bochkareva's battalion after their combat in Galicia, 1917
Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky was a Russian lawyer and revolutionary who led the Russian Provisional Government and the short-lived Russian Republic for three months from late July to early November 1917 (N.S.)
Kerensky in 1917
Kerensky as Minister of War (sitting second from the right)
Kerensky sitting next to later Supreme Leader, Alexander Kolchak
Kerensky in office