Raymond Wong Yuk-man is a Hong Kong author, current affairs commentator and radio host. He is a former member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong (LegCo), representing the geographical constituency of Kowloon West. He worked in Commercial Radio Hong Kong and hosted many popular phone-in programmes. Also, He is a founder and chairman of Mad Dog Daily from 1996 until its closure in 2022.
Wong attending the Hong Kong Book Fair 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 20 July 2018
Wong at the 2012 LegCo Election, as a People Power Candidate
Commercial Radio Hong Kong
Commercial Radio Hong Kong, or Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited is one of the two commercial radio broadcasting companies in Hong Kong alongside Metro Radio Hong Kong. CRHK provides radio programmes including news and weather reports, music, and cultural arts.
The Commercial Radio House on Broadcasting Drive