Youth for Western Civilization
Youth for Western Civilization (YWC) was a far right student group registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States. The group became a corporation in 2006 and began actively organizing in 2008. Kevin DeAnna founded the organization. Its honorary chairman was former Colorado US Representative Tom Tancredo.
Youth for Western Civilization
The alt-right is a far-right, white nationalist movement. A largely online phenomenon, the alt-right originated in the United States during the late 2000s before increasing in popularity and establishing a presence in other countries during the mid-2010s, and has been declining since 2017. The term is ill-defined and has been used in different ways by academics, journalists, media commentators, and alt-right members themselves.
Prominent alt-rightists were instrumental in organizing the August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia; pictured are rally participants carrying Confederate battle flags, Gadsden flags, and a Nazi flag.
An alt-right supporter at the 2017 March 4 Trump rally in Saint Paul, Minnesota; a depiction of Pepe the Frog has been digitally removed from the lower left corner of the man's sign due to copyright issues.
The American white nationalist ideologue Jared Taylor became a revered figure among the alt-right, and the events organized by his American Renaissance group were attended by many alt-right members.
Richard B. Spencer claimed to have coined the term "alternative right" in 2008.