Zero Gravity Corporation is an American company based in Exploration Park, Florida, formerly of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which operates weightless flights from United States airports. Zero-G is governed under Part 121 of FAA regulations enabling the company to cater to both tourists and researchers alike. Zero-G is operated by Everts Air Cargo who holds the 121 certificate.
Zero Gravity "G-FORCE ONE" aircraft
People in the reduced-gravity aircraft
Weightlessness is the complete or near-complete absence of the sensation of weight, i.e., zero apparent weight. It is also termed zero g-force, or zero-g or, incorrectly, zero gravity.
Astronauts on the International Space Station experience only microgravity and thus display an example of weightlessness. Michael Foale can be seen exercising in the foreground.
NASA's KC-135A plane ascending for a zero gravity maneuver
Inside a Russian Ilyushin 76MDK of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
Zero-gravity testing at the NASA Zero Gravity Research Facility