The 1st Ukrainian Front, previously the Voronezh Front, was a major formation of the Red Army during World War II, being equivalent to a Western army group.
Alexander Pokryshkin (center) carrying the standard of the 1st Ukrainian Front at the 1945 Moscow Victory Parade.
1st Ukrainian Front Standard for Victory Parade - at the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow
Case Blue was the Wehrmacht's plan for the 1942 strategic summer offensive in southern Russia between 28 June and 24 November 1942, during World War II. The objective was to capture the oil fields of Baku, Grozny and Maikop for two purposes: to enable the Germans to re-supply their low fuel stock and also to deny their use to the Soviet Union, thereby bringing about the complete collapse of the Soviet war effort.
German troops take cover behind a knocked out T-70 light tank and beside a Sd.Kfz. 250 halftrack, summer 1942
Waffen-SS infantry and armor advancing, Summer 1942
Maximillian von Weichs
Alexander Löhr