Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party
The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party is a European political party composed of 76 national-level parties from across Europe, mainly active in the European Union. The ALDE Party is affiliated with Liberal International and a recognised European political party, incorporated as a non-profit association under Belgian law.
Image: Margrethe Vestager (2011)
Image: Věra Jourová
Image: Hearing of Janez Lenarčič (Slovenia) Crisis management (48833246092) (cropped)
Image: Kadri Simson 2023
Liberal International (LI) is a worldwide organization of liberal political parties. The political international was founded in Oxford in 1947 and has become the pre-eminent network for liberal parties aiming to strengthen liberalism around the world. Its headquarters are at 1 Whitehall Place, London, SW1A 2HD, within the National Liberal Club. The Oxford Manifesto describes the basic political principles of the Liberal International, which is currently made up of 111 parties and organizations.
Headquarters of Liberal International, London
Image: Salvador de Madariaga
Image: Toxopeus, E.H. SFA008007403
Image: Gaston Thorn (1984)