Alraune, later renamed Unnatural: The Fruit of Evil, is a 1952 black and white West German science fiction film, directed by Arthur Maria Rabenalt and starring Hildegard Knef and Erich von Stroheim. The film is based on the 1911 novel Alraune by German novelist Hanns Heinz Ewers. The plot involves a scientist who creates a woman (Knef) who is beautiful and yet soulless, lacking any sense of morality.
German poster for Alraune
Hildegard Frieda Albertine Knef was a German actress, singer, and writer. She was billed in some English-language films as Hildegard Neff or Hildegarde Neff.
Knef in 1969
Knef's hand and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood
Knef, aged 69, at her last concert (5 March 1995) in Berlin